While your visit to the dentist may look different than before, your doctor's commitment to protecting your health has not changed. Here's what you can expect for your next visit to the dental office.
Mandatory face coverings: many offices, including ours, will require masks to be worn by all patients and staff while in the office. This is referred to as "source control," which helps prevent spread of disease. Since people can carry the COVID-19 virus asymptomatically, you can never be too safe! :)
More hand sanitizer: Use it when you come in! We also disinfect commonly touched surfaces multiple times throughout the day.
More plastic: You may see plastic and glass barriers installed throughout the office.
More Questions: We'll ask you some screening questions to assess your COVID-19 risk. If you have been in contact with the virus, we will ask you to postpone your visit.
Fewer patients: patients are scheduled with extra time between each appointment to allow us to thoroughly disinfect the area.
Fewer visitors: We encourage adult patients to arrive alone to reduce the number of people in the office.